Antalya Airport Transportaiton

Antalya Airport Public Bus, Antalya international Airport Bus

Antalya Airport Public Bus, Antalya international Airport Bus

Antalya, the jewel of Turkey’s Mediterranean coast, is a destination that attracts millions of tourists each year with its stunning landscapes, historical sites, and vibrant culture. For those arriving at Antalya Airport, the gateway to this paradise, the journey to their final destination begins with the Antalya Airport bus shuttles. These shuttle services play a vital role in connecting travelers to the city and its surrounding regions, ensuring a seamless transition from arrival to exploration.

Public bus numbers 400, 600 and 800 serve from the city center to Antalya Airport and from Antalya Airport to the city center.

You can see the available bus options from Antalya Airport:


Public Bus Shuttle Number 600

Public bus number 600 operates between Antalya Airport and Antalya bus station.

Number 600 also runs between the airport terminals.

Public bus number 600 Routes

Antalya Airport’s first stop and final stop is Antalya Bus Terminal (Bus Terminal).

Antalya Airport,
DEEPO shoppimg center, Mall of Antalya,
Altınova (Agora AVM, IKEA),
Meydan, (City Center)
Mevlana Caddesi, (City Center)
Markantalya Shopping Mall,(City Center)
100.yıl caddesi, (City Center)
Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, (Hospital)
Meltem, (City Center)
Mediterranean University,
Courthouse (Adliye),
Erasta Shopping Center,

Antalya Bus Station (Otagar)

Antalya Airport Public Bus 600
Antalya Airport Public Bus 600

Public bus number 600 schedules

Public bus number 600 operates between the airport and the city center (Antalya Bus Station) only at day.

Bus number 600 Departure hours – Antalya Airport Transportation
600 Departure hours from Antalya Airport 600 Departure Times from Bus Terminal
06:30 05:30
08:30 07:30
10:30 09:30
12:30 11:30
14:30 13:30
16:30 15:30
18:30 17:30
20:30 19:30
22:30 21.30
00:00 23:00

Public bus number 600G operates between the airport and the city center (Antalya Bus Station) only at night.

Bus number 600G Departure hours – Antalya Airport Transportation
Bus number 600G Departure hours – Antalya Airport 600G Bus Terminal Departure Times
01:00 00:00
03:00 02:00
05:00 04:00


How long is the trip by airport public bus?

Total trip time takes between 45 and 60 minutes.

How much does the airport bus cost? Fares?

Antalya Airprot (AYT) Public Bus fares: One-way ticket fare is 40 TL 

Bus Tickets

Tickets can be purchased on board to the driver.  You can also use a contactless credit card

Antalya Airport Public Bus Shuttle 600 number
Antalya Airport Public Bus Shuttle 600 number

Antalya Airport Bus Shuttle Number 400

This route runs to Antalya Konyaltı, Sarısu district and city center. Number 400 bus also runs between the airport terminals.

Antalya Airport Public Bus 400
Antalya Airport Public Bus 400

FROM ANTALYA AIRPORT:400 number Public Bus goes Sarısu, Konyaltı Municipality, it passes in front of 5M Migros Shopping Center, Türkay Otel.

400 Public Bus Shuttle Schedule

400 number Aiport Public Bus Timetable
400 From Airport To Konyaltı and City Center  400 from Konyaltı and City Center To Antalya Airport
07:30 06:00
09:30 08:00
11:30 10:00
13:30 12:00
15:30 14:00
17:30 16:00
21.30 20.00
23.30 22.00
01.30 00.00

To Antalya Lara: Buses depart from 07:30 to 22:30.

How long is the trip by airport public bus?

Total trip time takes between 45 and 60 minutes.

How much does the airport bus cost? Fares?

Antalya Airprot (AYT) Public Bus fares: One-way ticket fare is 40 TL 


Tickets can be purchased on board to the driver.  You can also use a contactless credit card

Antalya Airport Bus Shuttle Number 800

This route runs to Antalya Lara district and city center. Number 800 bus also runs between the airport terminals.

Public bus number 800 Route:

Antalya Airport’s first stop and final stop is Antalya Burhanettin Onat Avenue (City Center)

FROM ANTALYA AIRPORT:800 number Public Bus goes Lara, Muratpaşa Municipality, it passes in front of Terracity Shopping Center, Shemall Shopping Center, Laura Shopping Center, Şirinyalı, Akra Barut Hotel (formerly Dedeman Hotel), Sampi crossroad, Cebesoy Avenue (City Center), Doğu Garage (City Center) and Burhanettin Onat Avenue.

800 Public Bus Shuttle Schedule

800 number Aiport Public Bus Timetable
800 From Airport To Lara and City Center  800 from Lara and City Center To Antalya Airport
07:30 06:00
10:00 08:30
12:30 11:00
15:00 13:30
17:30 16:00
20:00 18:30
22:30 21:00

To Antalya Lara: Buses depart from 07:30 to 22:30.

How long is the trip by airport public bus?

Total trip time takes between 45 and 60 minutes.

How much does the airport bus cost? Fares?

Antalya Airprot (AYT) Public Bus fares: One-way ticket fare is 40 TL 


Tickets can be purchased on board to the driver.  You can also use a contactless credit card


At Antalya Airport there aren’t airlines that provide shuttle bus service.



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